New Ships

New Ships

New Ships - the weekly information service in English Subscribe to New Ships and receive exclusive weekly information on the most important developments in the international shipbuilding industry.

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New Ships is an exclusive weekly information service in English. New Ships provides clear and concise information about the most important developments in the international shipbuilding industry. New Ships draws, for example, on the entire worldwide network of correspondents of the renowned trade journals Schiff&Hafen and Ship&Offshore.

Feedback from our customers confirms that New Ships is indispensable for the shipbuilding and offshore market:

"As a long-time subscriber to New Ships, I find the weekly journal to be an indispensable source for all relevant developments in the maritime industry. In every issue, I know I'm getting nothing less than concise, up-to-date information that helps me make intelligent decisions for my company. The publication is always delivered to my inbox in a timely manner, and the sales support team behind it has proven to be reliable through the years. For anyone who wants to stay abreast of the market, I highly recommend the periodical."

Sunly Knauer (MacGregor Germany GmbH & Co. KG)

The media package:

  • E-Paper: every Thursday as PDF by e-mail
  • Online: Access to all content on
  • Maritime Archives: full access to all articles from Schiff&Hafen and Ship&Offshore since 2010, Schiff&Hafen Kompakt since 2024 as well as to the issues of New Ships since 2017
  • App for Smartphone & Tablet: All issues also available on your mobile devices from the start of delivery

The subscription is extended by one year and can be cancelled at any time at the end of the subscription period.