SIGNALLING & DATACOMMUNICATION is the specialist medium for control and safety technology as well as communication and information technology in rail traffic in German and English.
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SIGNALLING & DATACOMMUNICATION is the leading international trade medium for signaling and datacommunication in the railway sector. With ten issues per year, the monthly magazine offers a deep insight into automation and digitization of rail traffic, ETCS and WTMS, switches and level crossings. SIGNALLING & DATACOMMUNICATION appears bilingual throughout in German and English. Founded in 1906, the publication looks back on a long tradition and has been a pioneer and companion of modern signalling, communication and information technology in rail transport for more than 110 years.

The SIGNALLING & DATACOMMUNICATION Advisory Board is made up of leading figures from the entire rail transport industry and thus reflects a who's who of the rail industry.

Das Medienangebot

  • E-Paper: Monatlich vorab infomiert mit der PDF-Ausgabe per E-Mail
  • App für Smartphone & Tablet: Alle Ausgaben ab Lieferbeginn sind auf Ihren mobilen Geräten verfügbar
  • Eurailpress-Archiv: Zugang zu allen Inhalten von SIGNAL+DRAHT seit 2000


Bestellen Sie jetzt SIGNAL+Draht zum günstigen Jahrespreis. Das Abonnement verlängert sich um ein Jahr und ist jederzeit zum Ende der Laufzeit kündbar.

Media offer
The media package you have selected includes:

  • E-Paper: Already informed in advance via e-mail 
  • App for Smartphone & Tablet: All issues also available on your mobile devices from the start of delivery
  • Eurailpress Archive: Access to all articles of SIGNALLING & DATACOMMUNICATION since 2000
Offer conditions
Order SIGNALLING & DATACOMMUNICATION now at the reduced annual price for students. The subscription is extended by one year and can be cancelled at any time at the end of the term. The reduced rate is only available upon presentation of a current certificate of enrolment. Please send it to service(at) within 7 days.