Eurailpress - high quality information from the rail transport

Trade journals for rail transport and railway technology developments - we supply relevant publications for the market. Don't miss any news about trends and technology and look around for the railway magazine with which you will always be informed. Every railway magazine is available in digital or classic print format on request. Convince yourself of our Eurailpress and test the railway magazine of your choice. Read what drives rail transport and find out the results of important events.

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Trade journals for rail transport and railway technology developments - we supply relevant publications for the market. Don't miss any news about trends and technology and look around for the... read more »
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Eurailpress - high quality information from the rail transport

Trade journals for rail transport and railway technology developments - we supply relevant publications for the market. Don't miss any news about trends and technology and look around for the railway magazine with which you will always be informed. Every railway magazine is available in digital or classic print format on request. Convince yourself of our Eurailpress and test the railway magazine of your choice. Read what drives rail transport and find out the results of important events.

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Since its foundation in 1906, the trade journal SIGNALLING & DATACOMMUNICATION has been a pioneer and companion of modern signal, communication and information technology in rail transport.
World Rail Market Study 2024 World Rail Market Study 2024
The 10th edition of the UNIFE World Rail Market Study once again offers a detailed analysis of the current state and development of the global rail supply market. Order now!
Eurailpress-Archiv Eurailpress-Archiv
The Eurailpress-Archiv offers the possibility to search for relevant specialist information in a database across publications by means of the completely revised search interface and modern search technology.
ETR Science Edition 2020 ETR Science Edition 2020
In the first edition of the ETR Science Edition, a digitally distributed special edition, you can read scientific papers in English from all research fields of the entire railroad system.

The railway magazine for engineers 

Are you a decision-maker, engineer or manager of a freight railway company? With a magazine from our company you will always be well informed about current events affecting your market. Your company's actions must be well thought out - also with regard to far-reaching consequences. With our contents you will get fit in your respective field of expertise and can make decisions based on facts. In every railway magazine you will find current figures and news from your field. 

Educate yourself further and read what moves the market for freight railways. Topics prepared in a professional and comprehensible way - in our railway technology publications we provide you with background information that is elementary for work in your field of expertise. Especially as a railway engineer you will benefit from our professional Eurailpress. 

Informative publications for future railway engineers 

Are you interested in a career in the railway sector? With our Eurailpress we offer you technical literature that provides you with valuable tips for your future profession. If you are attending a corresponding course of studies, it is also worthwhile for you to subscribe to a specialist journal.   

In your final thesis you can effectively present the facts from our Eurailpress depending on the specific topic. See for yourself and browse through our archive. If you have any questions, we will be happy to advise you. We guarantee you high-quality magazines from which you will benefit.